Lovefeast 2021

As we approach the Lovefeast this year in 2022, I realise that I never posted about last year’s Lovefeast. It was touch and go whether or not it would be a safe thing to do but in the event, we went ahead and as ever, it was a unique and precious time.

We had considered being out on the lawn instead of in the barn but with only a handful of people and plenty of ventilation, we moved indoors and it was just as well because the sunshine gave way to thunder!

Joanna Mackey and Jill Armitt ensured that though few, the singing was lovely. I asked Joanna after the service for the list of hymns chosen and am grateful that she noted them down, along with two themes that emerged from the contributions and thoughts of the afternoon.

Themes were ‘rainbows’ and ‘the way is narrow’ and the hymns chosen were :

574 Deep harmony (Sweet is the work)

Thank you Jesus for loving me (Mission Praise)

803 Teach me my God

11 Lord of all being

685 O love that will not let me go

559 What a friend we have

She also commented that it would be good to invite more singers. This is particularly relevant this year as Joanna herself is not able to be with us. Unaccompanied singing in the barn can be very wonderful, or quite the opposite, so as we approach this year’s Lovefeast do think about people who might like to come and invite them, and if they are singers then so much the better!

If people would like to look at the words and music for the 3 set hymns, then these can be found on our face book page :
Music and words :

In 2020 when we were unable to hold the Lovefeast here at Alport (although there was a zoom gathering), I colated all the information that we had to date into a single blog post with links to text and photos on our facebook page. This is a link to that post in case you would like to know more about the history of this unique gathering : (contains videos of the 3 lovefeast hymns being sung at the exhibition in the Angler’s in 2018)

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